Add Value Every Day

The 4th of July brings back memories of summertime with my mom when my brother and I were young.
Every morning I’d ask, “Mom, what can I do today?”
Often her reply was, “Let’s go to the zoo.” In those days we could actually interact with some of the animals. I especially liked feeding peanuts to the elephant.
Today, when I’m not working, I still ask myself the same question.
“What can I do today?”
My best answer is to do something that adds value to my life.
What does that mean? Well, it can mean many things to different people.
For me it means I can read something interesting. Or I can work on a project with someone. I can write my blog. I can call a friend. Today we’re having a small 4th of July party, which adds value in lots of ways not only for me but also for our guests. Here are some of the ways we will add value to our day:
My family, especially my grandchildren, will enjoy the pool. (Sometimes it’s not easy to get them out).
We’ll share our plans and experiences. That’s always fun – and fun is one of the best ways to add value to your life.
We’ll eat a meal together. What could be better than a shared meal?
Daveen just let me know that everyone is starting to eat. Should I spend another half hour on this blog?
Well, it’s a holiday, it’s time for lunch and I’m hungry. So, I’ll finish this blog and add value in other ways later.
I hope you did something to “add value” to your life on the 4th and I encourage you to do the same every day of your life.