After the Party’s Over

by Alan C. Fox 2 Comments

Our wedding celebration is four weeks in the rearview mirror, our honeymoon slipped into the scrapbook of precious memories, and now I’m at my desk wondering if I can write something worth your reading.

A friend asked us at dinner last night how it felt to be back.  I wasn’t sure how to answer that question.  When in doubt, tell it like it is.  I said, “Mixed.”

It took me ten days of being away to fully relax, so I’m glad we were gone for a total of twenty-five days.  But it took me just one hour in my home office to start worrying again.  What did I worry about?

  1. Did my staff get along without me?
  2. They seemed to get along fine without me. (How could they?)
  3. Did anyone quit, in the absence of my magnetic personality?   Hmmm.
  4. Four hundred new emails in my inbox. That will keep me busy for at least a week.
  5. How is cash flow? (Once a CPA always a CPA.)  It’s fine.  Whew!
  6. Etc. etc. etc.

Sprite and I spent the last day of our honeymoon in Hawaii.  I could tell I was completely relaxed by then because I drove our rental car below the speed limit, lingered for hours over lunch, and I wasn’t even troubled by the usual crush of alarming news about the state of the world or my thoughts of potential calamities which would face me back at the office.

But now we’re back. I’m in my home office.

And Sprite just appeared in rather fetching attire.

So, like any smart husband, I’m leaving my office for a honeymoon encore.

Talk to you next week.


Comments ( 2 )

  1. Louis Weinstein
    Great photo! You spent your life working hard so that you could have pictures like that, make certain you have plenty more, I speak from experience. Lou
    • Alan Fox
      Thanks Lou. I'm just a few years slower than you to recognize the beauty and tranquility of Maui. The escrow is going well, and Asha and I look forward to being neighbors. Alan

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