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Alan C. Fox

Life is a Team Sport

Life-Is-A-TeamSport-1I’m in Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival, where every year I like to see as many as seven performances a day (plays, musical shows, comedians). I may be a nut about this, but every so often I enjoy being absorbed in something other than business and writing for a week or ten days.

Last night I was seated in the front row for “Showstoppers,” one of my favorite improvisational groups. Each night these seven actors and three musicians create an original musical — a different show every time. I’m extremely impressed by their creativity as well as their vast knowledge of musical theater. As a group they present original songs, dialogue, and dance steps on the spot, in styles as varied as Steven Sondheim or Sound of Music (styles chosen by the audience). To succeed, each actor, as well as the musicians, has to be quick and coordinate with the others. If they come up with a good idea three seconds late, the entire project could fail and the audience might begin to walk out.

Last night their improvisation, suggested and voted on by the audience, was set in Hell and titled, by a member of the audience, Sinning in the Flames, a take-off on Singing in the Rain. The audience clapped along to several songs, and laughed throughout the performance.

In the lobby after the show I spoke with Dylan, the narrator. He told me that “Showstoppers” has been performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for eight years, and combined with their touring schedule has performed together more than six hundred times. That’s a lot of improvisation. At the end of September the group is opening on London’s West End, England’s version of Broadway. They are more than excited.

“Showstoppers” is a perfect example of teamwork. Each member of the group has to play off the others, sing a different verse of their newly minted songs, and create dance routines which seem to have been rehearsed and practiced for weeks. Teamwork and timing are critical. The songs have to be sung and dance performed in unison throughout the one hour show.

Teamwork. That’s what life is about, whether in families, businesses, or nations. We work together for the benefit of all.

So here I am in my room at the Edinburgh Sheraton, a well located hotel with a friendly staff and great breakfast buffet (teamwork), racing to finish this blog before leaving for a highly rated comedian who starts his show in thirty-five minutes. But even his one-man show is the product of teamwork. After all, organizing and presenting the festival is an enormous team effort. Each show does need ticket takers.

Life-Is-A-TeamSport-2And my team will take over when I finish writing this blog. Nancy and Joel will help to edit, before I revise, and Kat will add graphics and put this blog up on the Peopletoolsbook.com web site. (Lauren normally does that but she and her husband are here with us in Edinburgh, taking in the sights today.) It’s fun, and effective, for me to work with a passionate and dedicated team, especially when I’m out of the office or, in this case, out of the country.

And I’ll be back at my desk next Monday morning, implementing business improvisations with the ACF and People Tools teams. At my office we each have an important role but, unlike “Showstoppers,” we have the advantage of perfecting our act over hours or days, not just a few seconds. That is certainly a relief to me.


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People Tools- The Best Is Here Today

featuredImage-PTLR-ReleaseAug2015Today is an exciting day for me and for The People Tools series.

My original People Tools book took more than twenty years to write.  It was first published in January, 2014, followed by People Tools for Business, published last September.  Each book was extremely well received, with People Tools placing high on the New York Times Best Seller list, and People Tools for Business placing high on the Los Angeles Times Best Seller List.

Today is the official publication date for my latest and best book, People Tools for Love and Relationships:  The Journey from Me to Us.  Our first review is from Publisher’s Weekly, and says:

“This breezy and upbeat book from self-help author Fox (the People Tools series) quickly wins the reader’s trust when the author admits that he didn’t always have it right. He was on his third marriage and wondering why he couldn’t find “the right person” when he realized that he might be the problem. What Fox learned afterward is what he shares in this handy guide: “not only how to find the right person, but also to be the right person.” In 50 short, easy-to-read chapters, Fox presents one tool at a time, discussing the importance of cuddles (or physical contact in general), the usefulness of a “Get-Out-of-Jail-Practically-Free card,” and remembering to say thank you. Each chapter begins with two quotes (chapter 41, for instance, samples Plutarch and Waiting for Godot) that set the tone for the lesson to follow, and Fox liberally uses stories involving himself, family members, or friends to underscore his points. It’s clear that Fox is generally an optimist, but he tempers his advice with some realism. While encouraging readers to “weave, don’t leave” a relationship, he acknowledges a few pages later that “abandon ship” is occasionally the most prudent decision. Fox leaves readers with the advice that, as difficult as relationships can be, it’s important to believe in a happy ending.”

Next week I will be back to writing my regular blog.  Today I’m going to take the day off to celebrate, and I encourage you to obtain a copy of People Tools for Love and Relationships for your own reading pleasure.  And, if you are so moved, I would very much appreciate your writing a short review for Amazon as soon as you can.  Let’s spread the joy.




Let It Loose, Marco: It’s Never Too Late to Succeed

MarcoDawson-PeopleToolsHave you ever heard of Marco Dawson? I’ll give you a hint. He’s an American, fifty-one years old. You don’t have a clue? I’ll give you one more hint. He plays professional golf.

Still drawing a blank? Me too, until noon last Sunday, when I watched Marco, on ESPN, sink a birdie putt on the final hole to win The Senior Open golf tournament in Great Britain. He beat the best two golfers on the Champions Tour (that’s a euphemism for professional golfers at least fifty years old). At the end Bernard Langer of Germany and Colin Montgomerie from Great Britain trailed Marco by a single stroke (Langer) or two (Montgomerie). That’s like two lions fighting with you for more than a mile, each trying to steal your dinner.

Even though Marco started playing professional golf in 1985 (eleven years before Tiger Woods) he had never won a single tournament before this year. Not one. In fact, he seldom qualified to play in the golf’s major tournaments at all. Throughout his career Marco played in a total of 413 tournaments on the PGA tour, and 161 tournaments on the web.com tour (whatever that is). Before his fifty-first birthday his record for winning was zero for 574. That’s a long dry spell. In fact, it was one extended career-long drought.

As you can imagine, in his television interview after the tournament, Marco asked the viewers to understand if he was trembling.

Persevere-PeopleTools-1“I spent a long time practicing and playing over the years,” he said, “and I felt like it’s time to quit playing conservatively and scared. I felt that I played most of my career that way. I finally decided to simply let it loose, let go. . . It’s so much fun playing that way.”

That’s good advice for all of us, at any age, in any arena of life. “Let it loose, let go. . . It’s so much fun playing that way.”

You don’t need to have had prior success in life to succeed. Persistence and passion pay off. You can enjoy your first big day in the sun when you’re fifty-one years old, or at any age for that matter. You can “let it loose” and “let go,” delight in the very best day of your life, and you can do that today.

Thanks, Marco, for reminding us that it’s never too late to succeed. We can achieve anything when we persevere. And congratulations. You are my hero.
