During the past several years Daveen and I have continually had one or another of our adult daughters living with us (which has truly been a pleasure). But today we are living only with each other. Huzzah!
As they say, the silence is deafening. And I mean that in a good way.
In the evenings we often lie next to each other, relaxing in bed, either reading or responding to emails on our cell phones. While Daveen completes her Wordle of the day, I brush up on my Solitaire skills (which has filled many hours in my life), before we get back to cuddling.
I remember the first moment when I was impressed by the explosion of cell phone ownership and its ubiquitous place in our lives. That was an evening more than thirty years ago. We were enjoying dinner with another couple. I noticed that every one of us had placed our cell phones on the table where we could see them. This was not for show. It was in case we received a call.
I know this will further date me, but I remember my own first “cell phone”. It was as heavy as a five-hundred-page book, and I needed a briefcase to carry it around. Now it easily fits in my pocket and I can actually talk to someone – thanks, Dick Tracy – on my watch.
Years ago, I heard a story that has stayed with me (although it might be an urban legend). In the late 1800’s when the head of the United States Patent Office resigned, he purportedly said “everything that can be invented has been invented.” Little did he know. I sometimes wonder what Leonardo de Vinci would think if he were here and was able to fly on an airplane or a helicopter or talk to a friend on the other side of the world.
I wonder what new inventions will come along in the next twenty years. I don’t think everything has been invented yet.
Okay, Simon and Garfunkel. Keep singing.