A few months ago, I received an email from a doctor who has invested in real estate with me for many years.
“I’m retiring from my medical practice and moving to France, so I’d like to liquidate my investments,” he said.
I was shocked. Not because he wanted to sell his investments, but because he planned to retire. At 65. I’m still working part-time at 83, and I plan to continue working indefinitely. Why? Because I’m one of the lucky ones who loves what I do.
When I was a student the prospect of working full time seemed like going to prison. Since I wanted the ability to choose how I spent my time, I started my own business and have now worked for myself for more than fifty years. Yes, I’ve often had to come in on a Saturday and I’ve worked late into the evening on many occasions, but I also can mosey into the office at noon (if I have no appointments). Being in control of my time is a big deal to me.
Also, I’ve always enjoyed working on projects with other people. In running my own business, I have the additional advantage of choosing who I get to work with. My current staff is outstanding, and I look forward to spending time with them.
Since 1968 I have accumulated and now manage a sizeable portfolio of commercial real estate investments – major shopping centers – throughout the United States. The work keeps me busy along with a staff of 30 full-time employees. Because I enjoy what I do, I don’t think I’ll ever feel the need to “retire.”
I’ve heard it said, for an occupation choose something you enjoy, and you will never work a day in your life.
I feel that way on most days. Even so, like almost everyone else, I also enjoy my days off and even love to take vacations. So happy June 19th. I’m driving to San Diego for the weekend but will be back in the saddle next Tuesday.
Perhaps I’ll have an adventure there that I can share with you next week.