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Alan Fox

A Prisoner of Capability

by Alan Fox 0 Comments
A Prisoner of Capability

I’ve run my own company for more than fifty years, and one of my guiding principals has been to hire and retain the best people I can.

Years ago, a professor at the University of Southern California School of Business developed “The Peter Principal,” which states that everyone in a business hierarchy who is good at their job will be promoted until they reach a plateau where they no longer have the skills necessary to perform well.  Then they will not be promoted again.  Essentially, this means “every employee tends to rise to his [or her] level of incompetence.”   That makes sense.  When we stop performing, we won’t rise further in the hierarchy.  But over time, that also means that every job is held by an employee who is not the best person to perform its duties.

But are we really the prisoners of our own capability – or lack of it?

I believe it is possible to turn the Peter Principle around and escape the prison of our capability to become the masters of it.

Someone I’m close to, I’ll call him Ben, recently left Facebook (now renamed Meta), to begin an Ivy League Master’s program. Before Ben left, he was highly regarded at his job.  He told me that many of his coworkers delayed tough decisions until they could consult with him.  But now he won’t be there to help.

He is transcending the prison of his own capability.  Just because he is highly respected at Meta does not mean that he must spend the rest of his business life there, rising through the ranks until he reaches his level of incompetence.  He is transcending that prison by moving on to develop new skills.

There is a lesson in this for all of us. Just because I can perform a task well does not mean that I must keep doing it for the rest of my life.  The cell door swings open, using the magic key of delegating.

While we should each do what we are uniquely suited for, we are seldom just suited for a single task, and there is probably someone else who can do our jobs, possibly even better than we do.  This is why I have delegated most of my business responsibilities to the talented employees I have hired and retained over the years – so I can move on to develop and explore new capabilities.

This leaves me free to take on new jobs that I am uniquely suited for and that I might enjoy even more – like writing this blog.

Ben – best wishes on your grad school journey.  Your potential is limitless.  I look forward to seeing how it turns out.




by Alan Fox 1 Comment

This week I’ve been spending some time reminiscing.  Several close friends have recently been diagnosed with terminal illnesses, and I’ve been sharing with them my recollections of our happy times together.  I appreciate how precious those memories are, and I’d like to think it cheers up my friends to remember them.

So here are some of my own recollections I’d like to share with you.

Does anyone remember Art Linkletter?  He hosted a TV show called House Party.  One popular segment of the show that aired on CBS from 1952 until 1970 was “Kids Say the Darndest Things”.  I was one of those kids. Art often gave children a big word to use to see what they would make of it.  I wish I could remember the word he gave me. When I look back as an adult – I remember it sounded like masturbate, but I know that wasn’t it.  I do remember the audience laughing.

That wasn’t my only childhood TV appearance.  My father played French Horn with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.  They broadcast a live program for children every weekend, and during intermission they conducted a musical quiz for kids.

I was chosen to participate in the quiz, most likely because of my dad.  I still remember one of the words I learned in preparation for the quiz – impresario.   When they asked what the leader of the orchestra was called, I showed off my newfound knowledge and confidently answered, “Impresario.”  I had overlooked the simple and correct answer, which was conductor, in favor of something incorrect and more arcane.

Today I stay with simple.

I remember when my brother David and I used to race our bikes through the hillside neighborhood we lived in.  If any of my kids sped down steep streets like I did then, I would confiscate their bikes immediately.

I also remember my dad in his late 50’s telling me that because several of his friends had died, he planned to make new friends who were twenty years younger so that he wouldn’t outlast them.  That turned out to be a very good idea because he lived to be 104.

When I founded ACF Property Management, Inc. on March 1, 1968, I never thought for a moment that I would still be sitting at my desk fifty-four years later.  I also still don’t quite believe that I’ve been married four times and have six biological children.  Holy moly!

As they say, life is what happens while you’re making plans.

I’m still making plans, and new memories in the process, so I must still be alive.  Daveen tells me she expects at least another twenty years out of me.

Holy guacamole!



Party, Party, Party

by Alan Fox 0 Comments
Party, Party, Party

OMG.  I’ve attended two parties in the past two weeks – parties at which many guests seemed to have forgotten their masks.  Both gatherings were indoors/outdoors, and at each one, I chose a table open to the wind.

I had forgotten how much fun a party can be.

In March of 2020 I was ready to host a retirement party for Cathy, ACF’s excellent general manager.  On the Tuesday before the Saturday event, it became clear to me that we would have to postpone.  No one was happy about it.  Cathy had been a beloved employee for many years and deserved a festive sendoff.  As it turns out, we cancelled one day before the deluge began.  The very next day the National Basketball Association modified its entire season to accommodate COVID 19 and soon after that the entire country went into lockdown.

But we humans are inherently flexible.  During the past 29 months most of us have adjusted to COVID.  Today I enjoy working from home two days a week, as do many others.

Even though COVID is still with us, people are getting out and about.  From what I’ve read, travel related companies, notably including airlines, are scrambling to meet the high demand.

As a general policy, I refuse to worry about a future I can’t do anything about.  This started in the 1940’s, when for a few years I worried about a nuclear bomb bursting into a mushroom cloud over Los Angeles at any given moment.  I finally calmed myself by realizing my energy was better directed to problems I could do something about, and not those potential events entirely beyond my control.

I will continue to take precautions in response to COVID.  I will mask in public, remain ten feet away from people I talk to in the office, and continue to enjoy more solitary pursuits such as reading and watching sports on TV.

What I will not do is retreat from the world.  There might be fewer parties to attend, but that is the best reason I know to enjoy each one even more.

And yet, we must remain careful.  Daveen attended a wedding last Saturday evening.  The post-wedding brunch was cancelled because on Sunday morning the groom tested positive for COVID.

Perhaps the new rule in life is to have fun – but at a respectful distance.
