Boston Nightmare

I’m sure we’ve all had situations where we thought we could wait to do something until later. But sometimes, waiting isn’t a good idea. Years ago, Daveen and I travelled to Boston. After our arrival at Boston’s Logan airport, Daveen made a point to use the restroom before we picked up our rental car. I decided to wait until we arrived at our hotel. Later I was sorry about that decision.
The drive to our hotel took longer than I had expected. Twenty minutes into our journey I really needed to use a restroom myself. I stopped at a gas station. It was closed – and so was their restroom. We got back on the road, but the car ride was becoming increasingly uncomfortable for me.
We finally arrived at the Motor Inn where we were staying. I double parked the rental car in front, asked Daveen to take care of it, and raced into reception. The clerk at the front desk directed me to the men’s room on my right. Relief seemed near.
But the actual toilet in the men’s room was locked. My younger readers might find this astonishing, but back in the day some public restrooms had locking stalls and you needed to insert a quarter to open them. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a quarter. I don’t know, at that point, if I even had time to fish around in my pockets for change. I was desperate. And desperate times call for desperate measures. Thinking, “Oh, S**t, I dove under the bathroom door and finally unburdened myself.
I’m happy to report that, by comparison, the rest of our trip was uneventful.
Thank goodness.