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Philippe the Original

by Alan Fox 0 Comments
Philippe the Original

In the Dark Ages, when I was young, my father used to take the family to Philippe The Original – a sandwich shop near downtown Los Angeles known for its French dip sandwich.  The French dip was delicious, but certainly one of the attractions for Dad was also the price.

As I recall, at that time the sandwich cost only 50 cents.

A few days ago I visited Philippe’s and paid $11.50 for that same French dip sandwich. And I don’t think it was just a lapse of my memory, but it seemed there was more bread and less beef than before.

Not only that, but the entire place seemed to have lost much of its former glory. It’s a casual place where you order at the counter. On the day I visited, there were only a few customers and yet the place was still set up with the post and rope stanchions used for controlling the long lines from yesteryear. The ropes traversed back and forth about five times, and with all the lanes vacant it made the space seem empty. It was a bit depressing.

Tom Wolfe wrote that “you can’t go home again.”  By that I assume he meant your childhood home is never the same as in your memory.  I experienced this firsthand when I went with my dad to visit Canarsie, a suburb of New York City where he had lived as a child.  Dad was in his eighties by then and he was distraught to discover that the entire neighborhood had been converted into a large beer distillery.

“I will never come back here again,” he said.

I’ve lived most of my life in Los Angeles – since 1940.  I still remember my mom driving on the brand-new Hollywood Freeway near our home and telling me that she couldn’t wait until I could drive so that she wouldn’t have to.  That was fine with me (as I assume it would be with most sixteen-year-olds).

So, if you find yourself enjoying a night out downtown in Los Angeles, Philippe The Original is right across from Union Station, and has been open for business for more than 100 years.

Despite inflation, less beef, and fewer crowds, I think Dad would still enjoy eating his favorite sandwich there, with a generous side of their potato salad.




by Alan Fox 1 Comment

What the heck is this photo all about?

Some of you might have correctly guessed that it’s me raising one finger.  I’ve titled the photo “Delight”

Like many of my really good ideas, this one came from an essay in the New York Times I read a few days ago.  The author, Catherine Price, suggested that there is nothing better to do when we’re especially pleased than to raise one finger and say to ourselves and to the world, “Delight.”  Yes!  Out loud and with enthusiasm!  This recommended practice of recognizing delight in such a conspicuous way was inspired by the poet Ross Gay’s Book of Delights.

While I’m intrigued, part of me is telling myself, “That’s too blatant.  Maybe I could just think ‘delight’, rather than actually saying it out loud.”  Most of the time I prefer not to call attention to myself.  Anonymity is safer.  On the other hand, sharing pleasure is a whole lot of fun.

My oldest granddaughter Grace was recently married, and I was asked to present a short reading.  I stood on stage between the bride and groom, and just before I started reading I noticed they were radiant.  I thought to myself, “I’ve never been so physically close to two people who seem so completely happy”.  “Delight!”

My youngest granddaughter is now a little over two years old, and she has no problem running around the house every day sharing her joy.  Yesterday she spontaneously gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Delight!” She also shares, when she falls or is disappointed, her pain.  Loudly.  As adults most of us have learned to be restrained in expressing our emotions.  Try saying, “I love you,” to your partner, for no special reason.  They might get suspicious, but I suggest you try it anyway. It might inspire a “delight.”

I believe that any time in January is fine for a New Years’ Resolution, and so my resolution on this third week of the new year is to vociferously share my delight.  Especially with myself.  I bet I’ll feel a lot happier in 2024.

And if you would join me in this resolution, I would feel even more – I know you’re ahead of me on this – “Delight”.





The View From My Bed

by Alan Fox 0 Comments
The View From My Bed

It’s the Monday of a three-day weekend. I’m lying in bed writing my blog on my iPhone.

The day is sunny, and warm for January — 62 degrees.  But I was born in Los Angeles and have always lived here, so I usually take the warm weather for granted.

I’m admiring the orange trees in the back yard. I haven’t turned on the TV yet, but there are two NFL playoff games this afternoon, and I plan to watch both.

If you’re wondering where I’m going with this blog, I share your interest.  Except that I’m the writer, so I’d better dig out some wisdom from my subconscious.

Aha!  That’s it.

More than sixty years ago I read in my college freshman psychology textbook that we can solve problems in our subconscious.  This was the genesis for a chapter in my first book “People Tools” that I called “Stick it in your sub.”

I’m reminded of my favorite quotation. It is, of course, from Shakespeare. Hamlet, as I recall.

“There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

How I feel about lying here in bed writing my blog is whatever I label it. It could be seen by some as lazy. Or by others as indulgent. But I think I’ll use the word “Fun.”

Only now I remember that within the next few days I’ll have to review all of our business financial statements for last year and mail them to investors. So much for fun.

Well, I’ll give myself permission to enjoy the moment. I’ll focus on the football games this afternoon and try not to stress too much about the work I might be doing.

And now I’ve discovered the true title for this blog.


Try it. You might like it. At least for a holiday.
