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The Joy of Discovery

discover-joy-blog-peopletoolsI am a creature of many habits.

My favorite part of any vacation is returning home to sleep in my own bed.  In forty-nine years I have only relocated my office twice. I have worked with Cathy, my general manager, and Ed, my Chief Financial Officer, for over thirty years. I have lived in the same house for four decades.

You might think, based on the above, that I am opposed to change. That isn’t the case. But every new habit replaces an old habit, and each begins with a discovery that my priorities have changed. I am not unique in this. We all have to make decisions every day based on our priorities.  The question we have to ask ourselves is: do we prefer to stick with our old patterns, or are we open to new experiences?

How we answer that question depends on how well we like what we have been doing, and whether or not we are willing, or even eager, to try to improve our lives with something different.

My friend Howard does not like to travel, and for many years he would take a two week vacation to Hawaii, staying in exactly the same room in the same hotel every time.  Once, when “his” room was unavailable, he simply stayed home.  His wife Marilyn . . . I should say his ex-wife Marilyn . . . now travels frequently, by herself, to many different destinations.

I am not saying that there is any “right” or “wrong” way to deal with change.  It’s simply a matter of taste or, to my way of thinking, your own personal priorities.

When I was young my mother overcooked vegetables, and her idea of salad dressing was either plain vinegar or lemon juice.  Yuck!  I was more than fifty years old before I would consider eating a salad as a main course. At a restaurant recently I enjoyed a side of vegetables that tasted better than the meat entrée.

A number of years ago I read an interview with older men and women in hospice care.  They were asked what they regretted most in their lives.  As you can guess, none of them wished they had spent more time at the office working. None of their regrets centered on what they had done, even if that ski trip had ended with an injury.  All of their regrets were about what they had not done, what they might have missed.

I like the safety of stability in my life.  That’s why I have always created a home base to which I can return.  I have seldom lived by myself.  I enjoy giving and receiving emotional support, and appreciate sharing my life with someone. I enjoy the pleasure of their company.

Shortly after I separated from my first wife I gave a presentation one evening to a group of potential investors. The presentation was quite successful, and yet I was desolate on my drive home because I knew there was no one there with whom I could share my excitement.

What are your priorities? Are they making you happy? Maybe you’d like to put more zest in your life, or connect with a friend you haven’t seen for years.  Maybe you’d like to send a gift to someone for no reason at all, or have someone else order for you at your favorite restaurant. Is there something you’ve been longing to do? If so, I encourage you to do it.  None of us will be here forever. So don’t let your old habits keep you from bringing the joy of discovery into your life today, tomorrow and every day.



To Do or Not to Do – Always the Question

by Alan C. Fox 3 Comments

direction-priorities-peopletoolsThis morning I met with Lonnie, who has been my personal trainer for more than fifteen years.  The most important part of our time together is the half hour or so during which we simply sit and talk.  He knows that I prefer to postpone the actual physical exercise.

“I have news,” he said.

“Yes?”  I thought – this can’t be very good.  At least for me.

“Carol and I have decided to move to North Carolina.  We made the decision based upon something you said years ago.”

“What did I say?”

“It was right after we first started.  You said that early in your business career you had some money coming in, and had to decide how to use it. Remember?”

I did.  I had three potential uses for the money and I wrote each one at the top of a column of paper (this was before spreadsheets).  I then listed the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.  I don’t remember the specifics, but I do recall that the score was 28 to 13 to 8.

“Yes, I remember that exercise well.  I looked at my columns and realized that in my heart I wanted to do the third alternative.  The one which had the lowest rational score.”

‘And that‘s exactly what you did.  You went with your heart.  And so did Carol and I.  In North Carolina we can live a better life, and be closer to family.”

Partly because of my (good) advice, I was going to lose Lonnie as a personal trainer and, because of geography, as a personal friend who I have seen two or three times a week for fifteen years.  Even so, I was delighted for him and Carol.  They were excited about their choice, and I concluded years ago that my priority with my friends and family was to support their dreams and decisions, and to delight in their happiness rather than allow my personal feelings of loss to intrude.

All of us face choices in our lives.  Whether or not we think about it consciously, many times throughout each day we make decisions about what to do, and how to do it.  My decisions are governed by my sense of priorities which I have developed and refined over many years.

For example, survival is my top priority.  My health is a close second.  Money is somewhere down the list.

I know that if you are a vegan then you are going to make different food choices than I might.  So it would be a fool’s errand for me to tell you what to eat, just as it would be foolish of me to argue with Lonnie and tell him why his decision might not work.

When I consciously set my priorities and then live by them my life runs better in the long run.  And one of my strong priorities is the long run, which is why I intend this to be the first blog of many on how I set priorities in my life.

I hope that one of your conscious priorities will be to keep reading my blog every week.  I want the world to be a better place for all of us, and I intend to help by sharing my insights on how you can improve your life by setting clear priorities for yourself, and then learning how to live by them.  It’s fun and, over time, pretty easy.

Lonnie – I wish you and Carol the absolute best.

