What the heck is this photo all about?
Some of you might have correctly guessed that it’s me raising one finger. I’ve titled the photo “Delight”
Like many of my really good ideas, this one came from an essay in the New York Times I read a few days ago. The author, Catherine Price, suggested that there is nothing better to do when we’re especially pleased than to raise one finger and say to ourselves and to the world, “Delight.” Yes! Out loud and with enthusiasm! This recommended practice of recognizing delight in such a conspicuous way was inspired by the poet Ross Gay’s Book of Delights.
While I’m intrigued, part of me is telling myself, “That’s too blatant. Maybe I could just think ‘delight’, rather than actually saying it out loud.” Most of the time I prefer not to call attention to myself. Anonymity is safer. On the other hand, sharing pleasure is a whole lot of fun.
My oldest granddaughter Grace was recently married, and I was asked to present a short reading. I stood on stage between the bride and groom, and just before I started reading I noticed they were radiant. I thought to myself, “I’ve never been so physically close to two people who seem so completely happy”. “Delight!”
My youngest granddaughter is now a little over two years old, and she has no problem running around the house every day sharing her joy. Yesterday she spontaneously gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Delight!” She also shares, when she falls or is disappointed, her pain. Loudly. As adults most of us have learned to be restrained in expressing our emotions. Try saying, “I love you,” to your partner, for no special reason. They might get suspicious, but I suggest you try it anyway. It might inspire a “delight.”
I believe that any time in January is fine for a New Years’ Resolution, and so my resolution on this third week of the new year is to vociferously share my delight. Especially with myself. I bet I’ll feel a lot happier in 2024.
And if you would join me in this resolution, I would feel even more – I know you’re ahead of me on this – “Delight”.