Let’s begin a Pandemic of Positivity to blanket the earth ahead of COVID-19. I suggest that each of us reach out and share positive thoughts with everyone we know. The contact will be welcomed, you will feel good by helping, and the positivity will carry all of us through the weeks to come.
I’ll go first.
I’m alive, which is great.
When I walk in my neighborhood everyone I pass smiles and waves (from a distance, of course).
I’ve been given an opportunity to connect more closely with my children and family. I’m spending a lot of quality time with my wife, and she hasn’t kicked me out yet.
I’m enjoying frozen berries which I had forgotten about, and programs on TV which I otherwise would have missed.
It’s quiet.
I’m proud of so many in our country who are helping out, and I’m especially proud of everyone who works at my company. They are working remotely, and doing a wonderful job.
We are all in this together. Neighbors are helping neighbors, and people everywhere are engaging in acts of generosity and kindness.
I urge you to pass your Positivity along to everyone. We are in charge of our own thoughts and lives, and we are also able to care for and support those around us with an encouraging phone call, text, or email. It has never been more important to reach out to one another.
Let’s appreciate each new day. We will make it through these challenging times, with many stories to tell.
Love to all,