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Moving Forward

by Alan Fox 5 Comments

I’m at home now, after four nights in the hospital following neck surgery, ten nights in a rehab facility for, well, rehab, and more than a hundred notes and calls wishing me well.  I appreciate your support very much.

What struck me at the rehab facility was that everyone was there to help.  All too often in my business we spend a lot of time engaged in disputes — mostly about payment of rent – and from that perspective the rehab environment was a welcome change.

Meanwhile, I’ve lost a few pounds (the surgeon said that the healing of bones takes a lot of energy); I’ve had several visitors; signed my 2018 income tax returns; and enjoyed four days of watching Tiger win the Masters tournament at Augusta — his first major tournament victory in eleven years.

Patience, however, is not my strong suit, so waiting to recover enough to be back at my office or perform everyday tasks (such as driving) is not my favorite way to spend my days.  I did visit with Tim Green, editor of Rattle, to review the finalists and pick the three winners in our annual chapbook contest.  There are so many really fine poets out there, and our chapbook winners this year are outstanding. Even if you think you don’t like poetry (yet), you might consider subscribing to Rattle. We pride ourselves on making poetry accessible to everyone, and we include a winning chapbook with each issue.  You also might subscribe to our daily free poem.  Look us up at Rattle.com.

Unfortunately typing still makes my neck hurt, so I’m going to conclude with the thought that we’re all mortal, so let’s continue to help one another out as we move forward with our lives each day.  In helping others we help ourselves.

Many thanks.



Room with a View

by Alan Fox 7 Comments

When I arrived at the California Rehabilitation Institute in Century City late Sunday afternoon, the first thing I noticed was that I could see pine trees from my third floor room. I found that encouraging. A few years ago I had read that patients recover faster in a room with a view of nature.

My wife had chauffeured me from Cedars-Sinai Hospital after my four day stay following cervical spine surgery, which seemed to go quite well. My surgeon left on vacation but kindly called me Sunday evening to see how I was doing, and to tell me that my post-surgery x-ray looked perfect. All twenty-three screws, two posts, and whatever else he’d brought with him from Ace Hardware were in place.

I still have a royal pain in my neck and I’m not referring to my wife who has been with me the entire time.  I believe that I’m the main attraction for her in this rehab facility, rather than the food.  When not tending to me, she has been sending daily email reports to family and a few close friends to keep everyone updated on my progress. This afternoon a friend texted her best wishes. She also let me know that she has undergone four back surgeries.  Talk about empathy.  Also, talk about one-upmanship.

I should have asked my surgeon to make sure he didn’t cut the nerve to my sense of humor.  But maybe he even added a new one.

My dad, who visited this afternoon, has talked for years about maintaining a positive “mental diet.”  “Your life is as good as you think it is,” he reminded me repeatedly. Thank goodness for the opportunity to practice that fine and useful art – something like Norman Vincent Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking.  I don’t believe my dad borrowed Peale’s ideas, I believe he developed his own unique version.  My dad, like me, has no “off” switch for his brain. Both of us are thinking all of the time.

Since my neck hurts, and my fingers are insensitive and prickly, I’m going to finish this blog before the muscle relaxant and pain pills kick in.

I’ll end with a heartfelt “thank you” to everyone who has included me in their prayers and sent me their best wishes.  I am touched and buoyed by your concern and support. I also want to say that Daveen is the best advocate you could ever have with you when facing this kind of ordeal, and I am grateful to have her with me.

I’ll be back to visit with you next Tuesday, when I should be recovering at home.




Thank You

by Alan Fox 7 Comments

In my last blog I let you know that I was planning to have surgery next month. But last week my surgeon had a cancellation, so my surgery was moved up a bit to Wednesday March 27.  I’m writing this blog the evening before the surgery because I don’t know how well I will be able to write (and type) while I’m recovering.

If you are reading this blog it means that surgery went well and I’m home getting better.  It also means that I’ve written and posted a blog every week since August, 2013 – more than 285 weeks in a row.

I want to say “Thank You” to each of you for your well wishes.  One reader wrote that he’s rooting for a positive outcome because he would like to continue reading my blog for many years.  I’ll take that.  I hope to write it for many, many more years to come.

And I very much appreciate everyone who reached out to me today.  My spirits are high and my outlook is positive.  For years I’ve trained myself not to worry about anything I can’t control.  This is one of those times.

I’ll be back next week with an update to this saga.

Here’s to a happy ending.

Thank you.
