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Who Are You When No One Is Looking?

by Alan C. Fox 0 Comments

Man looking at reflection in windowLast night Sprite fell asleep in my arms snuggling against my chest.  I felt and heard her soft breath.  The awareness that accompanies awakeness had disappeared.

This morning at breakfast I was reading the newspaper. Sprite said she likes to watch me when I’m concentrating.  In those moments she sees the pure me, the innocent me, and feels loving, just as I did when she fell asleep last night.

Like all actors, we put on a show when we think others are watching us.  We clean ourselves up and poke that piece of spinach off of our front teeth.  We present the person we want others to see.

How different are you when you know others are watching?  Do you pull in your tummy or stand a little taller?  Do you check your makeup or comb your hair?  Do you put a smile or a frown on your face?  I always smile when I walk into my office because I don’t want everyone to spend the day talking about why I wasn’t in a good mood.  I used to frown when my wife was watching and I wanted her to know how upset I was with her.

Does putting on this show serve us well?

Sometimes yes.  As I’ve previously mentioned, current research says that when you put a smile on your face you feel better.  In many cases, the makeup or the clothes do make the woman, or the man.  We feel more confident, act more self-assured, and as a result our lives and relationships improve.

And sometimes no.  Everything we do – every activity, every relationship, and every moment – has a cost.  When I distance myself from my true appearance or my actual feelings I deprive you, and me, of my truth. In living a life of partial deceit, I am never fully comfortable with my real self.

So it comes down to this: when we’re not putting on a show for the rest of the world, who are we?  What is our truth?  Even if our truth is not so attractive, isn’t your life, or mine, more meaningful, satisfying and worthwhile when we are willing to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and our humanness, flaws and all, to shine through?

I know one thing for sure.  When I’m not putting on a show for others I’m more relaxed.  I don’t have to monitor myself or worry about their reactions. I can enjoy spending time with someone who feels connected – even when she is just watching me read the morning newspaper.

So exactly who are you when no one is looking?  Are you yourself, or a celluloid stand in?  Which do you want to be?

There is one more question you might consider:

Who are you when you are not looking at yourself?



Don’t Slam Your Computer Around

by Alan C. Fox 1 Comment

Give-Me-More-Attention-PeopleToolsWhen they work properly, electronics are great.  I love to sit at my desk, read incoming texts and emails, then file my reply in a folder. I love to stay in touch with friends and family on my iPhone.  I also like to check sports scores, the weather, and hear that friendly voice on Google Maps tell me where to go.

But I’m a fair weather friend to my electronics. When my iPhone drops a call, or when my laptop loses a document, I feel like stomping on them and demanding a full refund.  On a recent business visit to Kansas City my Google Maps application wasn’t working. I didn’t have a printed map (does anyone use those anymore?), and so I got thoroughly lost.

When my electronic gadgets don’t work the only thing I can do is ask the nearest teenager for help.  Unfortunately, In Kansas City I was with my dad who knows even less about electronics than I do.

But this blog is not really about iPhones and laptops.  It’s about human relationships.  A better title might be “Don’t Slam Your Friends Around.”  In this age of social media and constant connectivity, we often pay closer attention to our gadgets than to our friends.

I follow one basic rule:  I pay the most attention to those people who are important to me, and I don’t spend emotional energy on things, even expensive things, like electronics or cars.  Things can be repaired or replaced.  People cannot.

Exactly how do I make sure the people who matter most to me get the special attention they deserve?

  1. I listen to them. Not with an iPhone clamped to one ear.  When you are talking to me you deserve my full attention.
  2. I contact them regularly. I like to see my business associates almost every working day.  I spend time with my family and friends as often as is comfortable for both of us.
  3. I care about whatever is important to them. If your sister is sick, I care. If you’re afraid of losing your job, I care.  If you have a life plan which excites you, I’m on board and want to help you reach your goal.

Of course, it’s important not to slam yourself around either.  When you care about yourself you can be gentle and encouraging, pat yourself on the back, and let the criticism come, if it must come at all, from somewhere else.

So maybe I should change the title of this blog after all.  Slam your computer around if you like.  But, treat the people who matter to you with as much care and attention as you can. And make sure to include yourself. As they say, keep your friends close and yourself even closer.



The Man Who Disappeared

Man-Dissapeared-PeopleTools This morning I asked a close friend of mine how he enjoyed his weekend.

“Educational,” he said.

Alarm bells rang in my head.

“Okay, Larry.  What went wrong?”

“My wife and I had dinner Saturday night with Peter and his wife.  We’ve known them for a long time.  Peter is a very successful businessman.  When the waiter gave us the check, Peter suggested we split the cost.  This was despite the fact that he and his wife ordered more expensive meals, and also three glasses each of a very expensive wine.  My wife and I split one dinner, and one glass of house wine between us.”

“I’ve been in that situation many times myself,” I said. “So what did you do?”

“I was unhappy, of course.  It was clearly unfair.  But I didn’t argue because I didn’t want to make a scene. As a result, I paid a lot more than I should have, and woke up in the middle of the night kicking myself.”

I don’t blame Larry one bit.  To keep the peace, I’ve swallowed many costs in my own life.  In effect I’ve volunteered to let the takers do exactly what takers like to do –take advantage of me.

Larry wanted to avoid a conflict and, in effect, disappeared. I have done the same thing in similar situations.

I was particularly interested in Larry’s experience because last year I began to write a novel entitled, The Man Who Disappeared.  My novel features the story of a man who swallows more and more abuse from others, to the point where ultimately there is very little left for him to meet his own emotional or financial needs.

Now, I have a favor to ask.  I’d like you to share with me your own stories, or stories of other people you know who have, in effect, “disappeared.”  By “disappeared” I mean they didn’t assert themselves when they should have.  From what I’ve read in the press, Muhammed Ali was asked many times to pay someone’s rent or give them a loan, and he often did. There is no question that Muhammed Ali was generous.  There may be a question of whether he was diminished, or in part disappeared, because he allowed himself to be taken advantage of.

What is the balance?  That’s what I’m trying to figure out by writing The Man Who Disappeared, and I’d like to know your experiences on this subject.

You can contact me by email at Alan@peopletoolsbook.com

Please write.  Get it off your chest.  Don’t disappear on me.  We’re all in this life together.

