How I Spent Part of My Summer Vacation

Actually, just a small part of my summer vacation. And to be even more specific – how I spent last weekend.
First, a little background.
Many years ago, I developed an addiction to playing mahjong on my office computer. Since it was impeding my ability to get my work done, I deleted the game from my computer. Problem solved. Or so I thought.
The following Saturday I arrived at the office knowing I needed to work. Unfortunately, I also knew that the mahjong game was still on Cathy’s computer, to which I had the password.
I thought that a few minutes of mahjong would be fine. So at 9:00 am I sat down for two games – ten minutes, maximum. Then work.
As you might have predicted, I was still sitting in exactly the same position at Cathy’s computer at 4:00 pm. No work. No lunch. Just mahjong for the entire day. It was, I must admit, glorious.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, last week I came across a free mahjong game on my iPhone. There went Saturday. But I promised myself on a stack of hundred-dollar bills (see the photo with last week’s blog) that on Sunday I would not play mahjong. Not even once.
You’re probably ahead of me. Yes, I also spent last Sunday playing mahjong. I skipped breakfast, though I did stop for lunch and dinner. Perhaps I’m getting my addiction under control?
Now for the rationalizations:
- It doesn’t really matter in the great scheme of things whether I play a computer game for a day (or two) instead of reading a book.
- I didn’t really have to work on weekends anymore.
- I can’t think of any activity that provides me more reliable fun for an extended period. (I once played mahjong on what seemed like a 20-minute flight from Maui back to Los Angeles.)
Okay. Enough blog writing.
My iPhone is calling to me.