My Missing Flipper Returns, Sort Of

In last week’s blog, I lamented losing the flipper that stands in for a temporary tooth pending my upcoming dental implant surgery. On Thursday evening, the missing flipper miraculously returned.
I smiled when the flipper reappeared on my night stand. I assume the darn thing had been hiding in plain sight on the bedroom floor, and the housekeeper found it.
Wait. No celebration yet.
On Friday Daveen and I headed out of town for a brief respite from the pandemic. I wore the flipper all the way to the hotel, then put it in my pocket as I got out of the car.
In our hotel room I discovered that the flipper was, once again, missing. This time I assumed that it was back in the car, which had already been parked, so I decided to ignore it for the weekend and instead enjoy relaxing and watching football on TV.
As I might have predicted, but didn’t, I could not find it in the car when we returned home on Sunday.
There’s a saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
I’m not going to invest further emotional energy on this. If the flipper knocks on my front door this evening, I won’t answer. If I stumble across it in my bathroom, I’ll throw it out. If it sends me an email . . . well, let’s not stray too far from reality.
When I was single I dated a woman who was upset that I had mentioned her, rather kindly, in my blog. I had only used her first name, with a different spelling. Nevertheless, she was unhappy, so I promised to never write about or contact her again.” And I haven’t.
Flipper, wherever you are, I will not write about or contact you again.
That’s final!
I hope.