Notes From Pittsburgh

A little-known fact is that Pittsburgh has more bridges (446) than Venice, Italy. If you’re ever a contestant on Jeopardy that bit of trivia may be important to you.
What do I do on vacation? See the sights along with about 100 other passengers on American Cruise Lines ship Heritage. I am now the proud owner of a miniature Louisville Slugger baseball bat bought at the factory (it takes a machine 48 seconds to produce a bat. It took a human 30 minutes. Clearly automation in manufacturing is alive, well, and growing.)
In Paducah, Kentucky we visited The National Quilt Museum. Surprisingly, I really liked ten or twelve of the (modern) quilts. That compares with my liking only four or five old master paintings at the British National Art Gallery.
Yesterday evening, from 9:15 pm until 2:15 am I was a patient at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, where I was diagnosed with something I’ve never experienced before – a urinary tract infection. The attending doctor said that this often came with age, so I’ve decided to grow younger. Please let me know if you have a suggestion that will work.
This evening there is an NFL football game at the stadium that sits about a quarter mile from our cruise ship. At three in the afternoon, they were already closing off access roads, and many fans were at the stadium. I guess Pittsburgh fans are truly supportive of their team.
Daveen and I walked about a mile to the local Rite Aid to pick up my prescription for an antibiotic, and the folks walking on the street here seem quite friendly and happy to chat.
The sidewalks are old, but Pittsburgh is a much older city than Los Angeles, where I have enjoyed living for more than 83 years.
One of the couples sitting with us for meals also enjoys Jeopardy, but I suspect that is where our similarities end.
My favorite part of any vacation is walking into my bedroom at home. That’s a good thing because I’m home a lot more than I’m away.
We will return to Los Angeles tomorrow evening. Airline flights across country still amaze me.