Racing Through Life

I’ve always wondered which I should pay more attention to in my life – the journey or reaching the destination.
Years ago I read a fantasy story in which the hero wanted his life to be just like a movie. His wish was granted. Subsequently he experienced everything as a series of quick cuts. Each evening ended abruptly at the bedroom door, because in those days movies were infused with Victorian morals.
Once I tried to stop time. If I had succeeded I suppose all of us would have been frozen in one moment forever, so no doubt you’ll be relieved to know that I failed. Time kept moving right along. Oh, well. It was fun trying.
Most of us realize that when we’re bored, an hour seems interminably long. But, when we’re engaged, an entire day seems to fly by.
I take pleasure in setting goals for myself, and even more pleasure in achieving them. Seven or eight years ago I made a commitment to write this blog every week. The process of conceiving, writing, and editing the blog takes several hours. That’s the journey, and it’s fun. The final destination – emailing the finished blog for posting – takes an instant. Brief, but also satisfying.
So for me the question answers itself. For example, a wedding and reception may last three or four hours. The “I now pronounce you” part takes only a few seconds. I aim to enjoy the hours spent at the wedding, as well as the moment the happy couple arrives at “I do.”
I certainly find satisfaction in finishing a project, but yesterday I was transfixed by the fluttering shadows of leaves on my window as the sun gradually set. Sometimes it’s refreshing to slow down and pause en route to the finish line.
I hope that you are enjoying my blog while you are in the process of reading it. I’d like to believe that I’ve not only given you something interesting to think about today, but that your enjoyment will linger, even after you’re finished.
And I hope you thoroughly embrace your day. May you enjoy your journey as well as reaching your destinations.
P.S. This past week I enjoyed the Netflix movie Worth. You might find that the two hours you’ll spend watching this film is rewarding.
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