The Best Day of My Life

What was the best day of your life? That’s something I’ve not thought about very often. Actually, I’ve never thought about it much at all.
Was it the day you were married? Divorced? Your 40th birthday? The day your first child was born? Or maybe the day you were born (though I doubt you’d remember it). Perhaps Sunday is always your best day, and you look forward to it every week.
I’m asking for a reason. If I can identify the best day of my life, then perhaps I can figure out specifically why it was so good and replicate it every other day. I feel a list coming on. Here are some of the attributes of my best day.
- The people I’m with. Fortunately, I have a large family and we all have many friends. I enjoy their company whether as a group all together or individually. This past weekend many of us attended a high school play in which my grandson Noah performed. It was great fun – and it was a great day.
- The activities I do. I enjoy grocery shopping. I don’t like washing the dishes. Thankfully, Daveen dislikes grocery shopping and enjoys washing the dishes. What a perfect partnership. We have enjoyed many wonderful days together.
- Working on a project. Years ago, an apartment manager called the office on a Thursday morning at 5:00 am and was surprised that I picked up the phone. I was at the office early that day, solving a problem. I always feel better working on a solution than I do just lying in bed worrying about it, and I find collaborating with others to be very satisfying.
- Having an interesting conversation. Or reading a fine book. In short, keeping my mind active and engaged while connecting with other people makes for a good day.
- Helping someone. The research is clear and, for most of us, our day is improved when we help someone else. Anytime I can help another person, that is a good day.
There are so many ways to have a great day, and yet, I have no idea which of all my days has been the best or, indeed, if the best is still to come.
But I’m going to be pragmatic. Every day has the potential to be the best day of my life and it’s up to me to make it happen. So my answer is this: because today is the only day I’m sure of – the best day of my life is … (drum roll please) …
And, hopefully, for you and for me – there will be many more best days to come.
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