The TV Remote

Toward the end of the year I am entirely unproductive on Saturdays. That is to say, you will find me either sitting in my family room or lying down in my bedroom, watching college football on TV.
Last Saturday disaster struck. I couldn’t find the remote for the TV in the bedroom. Daveen looked for it, without success.
I thought about the situation for a few minutes. Then I opened the door to my nightstand and voila! There it was. I know I didn’t put it there, but I suspected that if I asked Daveen why she’d hid it we would have an argument. And then I would miss the game. So I merely said, “Thank you.” (Three cheers for pragmatism.)
Alas, the remote control didn’t work. So after fifteen frustrating minutes of not watching football in my bedroom, I moved downstairs to our family room, even though I prefer to watch in our bedroom because it is further from the kitchen where there are snacks easily available for me to munch on.
That afternoon Daveen found the correct remote under our bed. I guess one of us had accidentally kicked it there. I’m not going to talk to her about it, because she is undoubtedly certain that it was me. And she may be right. And I’d rather watch football than argue.
In our house everything has its place. My shirts. Daveen’s shoes. Drinking glasses in the cabinet to the left of the kitchen sink. That is, everything except the TV remote, which seems to have a life of its own, and prefers to be “lost” somewhere in the bedroom. Years ago I considered attaching it to my wrist, but that didn’t’ seem practical.
For you innovative thinkers out there, please come up with a better solution. You could make a fortune inventing an always findable TV remote. I’m sure that many men have found that arguing with their wives over where she put it doesn’t work, on so many levels.
Fortunately, my home desktop computer has never been misplaced, so writing this blog today turns out to be easier than watching college football on TV.
And writing is certainly more fun than searching for a TV remote.
Happy Tuesday!
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