Who Can Solve All of Your Problems?

Before I get to the punch line, I’ll share that when I was a child, the answer to that question was very easy for me. Back then, I thought my mother could solve all my problems. I also thought that she saved me from “stunting my growth” by refusing to let me drink coffee.
As a teenager, how to ask a girl for a date was one of my biggest problems. At that time, I was overweight and obnoxious — not exactly a dream date. (And I haven’t even mentioned pimples.) And yet, the only way to get a date was to ask, and face the risk of potential rejection, and the only one who could solve that problem– was me.
Somehow, I managed to survive those years, and was lucky enough to marry a very nice woman when we were both 21. For many years we helped solve each other’s problems, though at 84, that seems like a long time ago. Although we moved on to other marriages, we shared many years as co-parents, and still live only a few miles apart.
I’ve had many different doctors who’ve helped solve various health problems. The scariest was when I had to have emergency surgery after I developed a post-surgical infection in my neck.
When I formed ACF Property Management in 1968 I ran the company with twelve employees, eleven of whom were women. I thought that was a nice balance. I guess you could say I’ve always enjoyed being in the company of women. For my tenth birthday party, I invited ten girls and, at my mother’s insistence, one boy.
Over the years I have owned and managed hundreds of commercial real estate properties for more than five hundred investors, assisted by a loyal and reliable staff of 25 or 30 employees.
So what is the punch line? One obvious answer might seem to be “me.” After all, the problems were mine. But nope. That answer would be incorrect.
I have not solved my own problems (to the extent they have been solved).
My problems have been solved in collaboration with many others. I am grateful, as we all should be, to the large team of people who have helped me through the years.
With special thanks to Nancy, problem-solver extraordinaire, who has helped to edit my blog since it began more than ten years ago, and to Zatesia who has posted my blog and a photo, even when Monday was a holiday.
And thanks to all of you for being a part of my life, for reading my blogs, and for being amongst those who might just help me solve my problems in the future.
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